Friday, February 17, 2017

Where The Hell Has Henry Been?

Been awhile huh? Sorry about that. I've been working on "me" lately. Let's take a second to think about how many times we hear that phrase being thrown around. Seriously though, I've just been getting alot of things in my life in order so I put this blog on the back burner but trust and believe I didn't forget about it. I have so many plans for this blog it almost scares me (which is a good thing). You may want to know what I've been up to. Who knew you were this nosey? Well I'll tell you since you care so much.

For starters I completely alienated myself from social media. No IG, no snap, no facebook, etc etc. I did that to get my focus to its highest point and just unplug from the world. I'd need to do these two things if I wanted to achieve the next few things I'm about to get into. I want to get in shape for a 5K so I decided to drag my ass back in the gym and boy was that about the best decision I've made in 2017 thus far. Just two weeks in and I feel like a new person. I think I can quit now. I've also been reading more and being more aggressive towards my pursuit of my dream job (Business Analyst) and getting out of good ol' Americus. So far I've seen decent results I must say. I've also been kicking procrastination in the ass by getting this blog logo done. I've been working with a very talented frat brother of mine on the design and I'm happy to say it's finally finished! (Applause) I'm not sure if I want to reveal it now or wait until I make my return on the grid. I'm really not sure when I'll make my big debut back on social media. I said I wasn't getting back on until May but who knows. I can say this much though, I barely miss it and my focus/drive has increased tenfold. That doesn't mean you should pull the plug on your social media outlets after reading this or that I'm bashing social media. I think it's a great outlet for expression and such, but sometimes you have to remember that too much of anything is a bad thing. I think I decided I'll wait to make my return when I accomplish something big. And if you're anyone who knows me you know I'm always up to something. I also want to make this blog a bit more personal so look out for that as well. I want to tell my story. I want us to figure this thing called life out together. So bare with me, the best is yet to come!

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