Thursday, March 16, 2017

Who I am and Why I Started This Blog

I realized awhile ago I have yet to make a formal introduction on here. I didn't even make time to mention why I started this blog. I set sail without letting you, the reader, know who's been at the helm. Well that ends today.

Plot twist: It doesn't end today. Sorry. I'm a walking mystery. I don't even know who I am completely. Plus I'm an anaomly. If I'm being honest here I'd even venture to say 80% of you reading this don't either. And that's perfectly cool. Back to me though.

As you should already know by now my name is Henry Bell. I was born and raised in the eloquent metropolis that is Americus Ga(high sarcasm). I was born on November 5th, 1990. It's said that only legends are born in November(Nelly, Bill Nye, John Stewart). Refuting evidence has yet to be found. Just saying. I also attended private schools (Kings Academy & Brooklyn Heights) for most of my younger days up until the 10th grade when I transferred to an out of county public school (Schley County High) until graduation. Bouncing around different schools and being exposed to different environments had a profound impact on who I grew up to be and how I view the world and the people in it. I learned to get along with all races of people and treat everybody equal no matter their background, color, religion, etc. I took the best out of people and tried to emulate the good and discard the bad. I think I turned out ok.

So who am I today? Sparing y'all an essay I'm basically just someone who tries to be better than I was 24 hours ago. I try to help people when I can and when I can't. I'm a young black male in America who is fully cognizant of the stigma that classification has swarming around it but understands no one is the captain of my fate but me, myself, & I. I'm an extremely driven individual once my mind is made up to accomplish something. I have dreams that scare me. I'm forgetful and careless at times which has cost me dearly more than a few times. Not a day goes by that I don't listen to music Future. I love to listen. All seafood is absolutely deplorable to me. Let me repeat that. All seafood is deplorable. To me. See what I did there? I repeated a sentence and added italics for emphatical purposes. That's a direct shot at any and everybody who's ever tried my disgust for seafood with "Yea yea but have you tried (insert seafood item I've already tried or some shit that literally sounds like it could still jump out my plate and end me without struggle.) Let's see what else...I love reading, huge movie critic, car enthusiast. My mom is my guardian angel. I'm always curious. I love art. I think anyone that can draw/design are some of the most coolest/talented people on the planet. I have a love/hate relationship with writing. I say that because I'm not a perfectionist but when it comes to my writing I treat it like precious cargo. I gotta make sure it's packaged just right and presented to the masses in it's best form to touch the hearts and souls of my target audience. This isn't one of those cute lil' fake ass weaknesses you memorize for some interview, it is legitimately the most annoying thing in the world. I guess it's a good thing I'm meticulous about my work though right?

 I created this blog to help centralize my thoughts on  life and document my progress as a human being figuring it out day by day. Blogging is the most effective form of expression for me and it's something I hope to one day be very very good at. On the stress relief/therapy scale it ranks #3 for me right behind exercise and vanilla crown.

Well that's enough about me for one day. Can't spoil y'all too much. Certainly by now though you've been completely blown away with my thrilling personality and undeniable charm.  Either way it's all love.

Till' next time.

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