Thursday, December 15, 2016

Creativity is Fuel for the Soul!

Ideas ideas ideas.....the world runs off of them. My advice to anyone reading this is to keep that idea muscle strong! I convinced myself for the longest that I wasn't the "creative type". That's complete bullshit. There's a genius chilling within all of us, it's just the ones who aren't afraid of letting it out that get rewarded. So much advice I come across over the web emphasizes the ritual of coming up with X amount of ideas everyday. The idea can be literally anything. We have ideas that run through our head everyday we just never take a second to sit down and flesh them out. I challenge you to take a minute to listen to your inner you. You're actually alot cooler than you think. You just don't know this (yet) because you haven't given yourself a fair shot at

One of my most favorite quotes states "Our deepest fear is not that we're inadequate, our deepest fear is that we're powerful beyond measure." - Marianne Williamson. Shouts out to Marianne because she really hit the nail on the head with that one. It's so crazy but yet so brutally honest to admit that we're literally not great because we're essentially....scared. Scared of how great we will become and of course scared of falling and failing. I believe the ones who aren't afraid to take that first leap of faith should seriously consider becoming an idea machine. Get in tune with you. Find out who you are. What drives you. What keeps you up at night. What's your purpose here on this Earth. The pursuit of those things will suddenly make life so much more interesting. It's the meaning of life that we humans seek after the most. It's embedded in our psyche. So don't forget to feed your soul every once in a while and get those creative juices flowing! You'll be glad you did.

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