Saturday, December 17, 2016

Whew....2016..... U Scary

2016 was tough as nails. It pulled us, twisted us, turned us, and challenged us down to our very core. Some of us experienced loss, pain, hurt, anger, regret, failure, the list goes on. So I'm here to tell you, if you made it to the end of 2016 still standing you my friend are a force to be reckoned with. We experience the most growth through the toughest of tribulations. We must take the lessons and heartache 2016 has given us and convert that into new growth and opportunities. We write our own story. We may not be in total control of everything that's included in our book of life but what we do control is how we react to adversity and the unknown. Let's choose to make 2017 a chapter full of wins and success. I'm sure we could all use some of that right about now.

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