Wednesday, December 14, 2016

First Blog. It's Lit.

Welcome to the Stoop! Alright so before I start this off I want to apologize (to myself because I have negative 20 followers right now) for this basic ass layout. Bare with me though things will get prettier I promise. I just wanted to get this thing launched off the ground. I've wanted to blog since before it was cool to blog (yeah I'm that guy) but as with the rest of the underachievers I invented enough excuses to keep me from doing so for over a decade. THAT ENDS TODAY. Sorry for screaming at you I just really needed to emphasize how monumental this day is. I've always been told I should write, I should blog, I should publicly speak yada yada yada well here's my start so yall better support a youngin'. Where will the blog go? What will this blog be about? How often will it be updated? Who knows. We're figuring this thing out together. So strap up, buckle in, and enjoy the ride.

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