Thursday, December 29, 2016

Quick Update SN: Can it be 2017 Now Please

What's up world. So since my first post I added a little sauce to the blog and got a cleaner, more professional layout along with a few other minuscule changes all of 3 people will probably notice since the rest of yall coming in late. I've done a ton of brainstorming and came up with a few great ideas for the future of this blog and its general direction. A few of those ideas include adding separate sections for new movies, music, and books. Essentially the navigation bar will look something like this....
Home | Music | Movies | Books
I'll be making weekly recommendations and reviews on all three so be on the look out for that. Before I close out I want to thank all the people I asked to take time out of their busy schedules and check out my blog. The ones who've read this already have known me for quite awhile and I appreciate your support. Honestly, truly. So stay tuned! This is only the beginning.

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