Monday, January 2, 2017

Why the "New Year New Me BS" Slogan is Slowly Turning Everyone into "They"

2017 has arrived! It feels like we finally turned the page to that one chapter in the book nobody wants to read but later on proves crucial to the rest of the story. 2016 just gave us all a story. So let's live to tell it instead of talk about it cool? Cool. So moving forward I'd like to spend the first few days of 2017 self-assessing, writing down new goals, renewing my sense of positivity, and minding my own business. But wait! That sounds a little new year new me-ish. If so we got hella memes on standby if you dare go live with this public declaration of self-improvement! - Sincerely, The Internet. never want to stunt the growth of your evolving spirit by only allowing a new calendar year to motivate you into greatness....BUT....absolutely nothing is wrong with seizing the symbolism of a new year to rejuvenate your personal pledge to your life goals or make news ones. We scoff at anybody who dares to have the stones to proclaim greatness and highlight all their previously failed attempts as a means to justify our ridicule. I just have one question. What have we become? We sound like the same haters we love to wave at. We sound like the same "They" DJ Khaled warned us about in his garden while he water pressured his plants into the next dimension. Imagine how many times people laughed at him every time "We the Best" came out his mouth? Now look where he is vs the peanut gallery that mocked and ridiculed him every step of the way. The power of the tongue is not a joke. Speaking and writing things into existence are very real very credible sources of power...sources you can draw from to do a bit more living and a little less chasing when it comes to dreams. 

Don't be a They. Be a you. Always be you.


  1. Yo! I read all your posts and it's excellent. Great work Henry. I am excited to see SoapBoxBell grow....

    1. And it will I promise. Thanks for reading my dude.
