Sunday, January 22, 2017

5 Reasons Self-Educating is Extremely Neccessary in Your Twenties

Nobody likes getting left behind, but that's exactly what's happening to a large amount 20 year old's who think our education system is enough to keep us sufficiently educated. Sorry but high school isn't enough, and no, college doesn't count either. In fact, no amount of formal education is enough to keep you in the game and ahead of the curve. There's so much vital knowledge out there beyond your studies waiting to be consumed by you. When you choose to self-educate you get to pick the topic and you get to be the boss. So do yourself a huge huge favor and make self-educating your next favorite hobby. You'll be glad you did.

Here's 5 reasons why self-education is necessary in your twenties:

1. Self Education Will Help You Find Your Passion.

When you devote free time towards learning about things outside of your own daily bubble of life it helps you better figure out just wtf to do with it. When you find that one thing that you don't mind shrugging off work fatigue for, that one thing you could have endless conversations about, that's when you're in a good place towards finding your passion. You'll never be in that space though if you don't take the time to see what all this wonderful world has to offer. Make sense right?

2. Self Education Grants You The Ability To Verify What You See, Hear, and Read.

This might as well be considered a super power with all the dense-minded headasses that walk the earth today and the ignorance that surely follows them. Being self-educated is critical in a world full of misinformation and propaganda. Remember Stop Kony 2012?  The fight to stop a man who had already been uhh....stopped. Any amount of research would've stopped several million people from blindly supporting this scam ran as a faux campaign against child-slave trafficking. When you perform your own research and do your own digging you equip yourself with real knowledge. And with that knowledge comes power. The power to know when to smell, hear, and also see incoming bullshit at an astounding rate.

3. Self Education Allows You To Gain Unbiased Knowledge Of The World Around You And Everything In It.

Question everything. Never take anything anyone tells you as fact. No matter how educated or experienced they seem to be. You can show three people the same picture and they'll each have a different interpretation of what it means. Never allow someone's translation of information to autofill your brain as "facts". That's lazy. And dangerous. There's a real sense of self-empowerment from simply being knowledgeable that a ton of us are missing out on. In other words, "Do your ****** research". - Sean "Big Sean" Anderson

4. Self Education Gives You The Freedom To Never Stop Learning.

When you normalize the habit of self-education the world instantly becomes your oyster. You become limitless in your capacity to gain knowledge and succeed throughout life. You're no longer limited to semesters or 8AM's to teach you something. Listen, the world is moving, fast. And a day without learning is a day wasted. 

5. Self Education is FREE!

Well, almost. It cost me $0.00 to educate myself on the process and purpose of the electoral college and its history. It cost $0.00 to learn how to properly read food labels to decipher what's actually healthy for me with assassin-like precision. It cost me $12.87 to read a book that taught me how to do my own taxes. Sounds like a deal to me. This is no knock against formal education though; just an emphasis on the free kind.

So let's get with the program and hop on all this free knowledge out here. Ignorance tends to be a bit more costly.

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