Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Hidden Figures Review

Running Time: 2/12 hrs.
Release Date: 12/25/16
Rate: 9.0/10

Anyone who knows me knows I'm a tough movie critic. It's often why I'll usually go it alone when it comes to the theater; so don't take my high praise of this movie lightly. This is definitely a must-see, not just for blacks, or whites, or young, or old, but for everyone. It seamlessly combines the importance of space travel to the United States with the plaguing issues of racism and sexism during that era. This is a racial-barrier breaking, inspiring, comical, smart-witted film that reaches across all borders and will have everyone leaving with a little more love and respect and a little less hate and ignorance.

Taking place in the 60's Hidden Figures covers the story of 3 young, intelligent, charismatic black women named Katherine Johnson (Taraji P. Henson aka Bae), Dorothy Vaughn (Octavia Spencer), and Mary Jackson (Janelle Monae also bae). Working for NASA, these three black women made a tremendous impact not only on  American Aerospace travel but on the progression of desegregation and female equality. This movie is great because it showcases what humans can accomplish when hate and ignorance lose the battle for once. Brilliantly acted and directed, it immediately draws you in without losing sight of the plot despite its rather long running time. Pharrell Willaims provides a soundtrack that gives the film a classic but urban undertone that further fleshes out the attitude and theme of Hidden Figures. 

So go see it. As I said on my snapchat, it'll make you fall in love with black women and space all over again.

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