Sunday, January 8, 2017

Everybody's Not Worthy of Your Dopeness

This message may come off to some as a bit vain or narcissistic even. That alone tells me you don't even know your own self-worth (which is very scary) and thus I need y'all to make a beeline to the front row. This blog is about educating and enlightening, not shaming; so y'all need to hear this the most.

So what exactly is dopeness? Is it taking the trendiest off guard Instagram photos? Is it always being caught wearing the latest fashion and saying the coolest things? Just what is it? What makes someone.....dope? And do I have some of it? Why yes my young padawan, yes you do. We all do. Being dope...."dopeness" is simply being who you are to the fullest possible extent, not what you are or what you're wearing as society tries her hardest to make us believe.Ok so we've defined what dopeness is but why should I be so stingy about deciphering who gets to experience it in all its glory? I'll tell you why.

Your dopeness is essentially your soul.

Our soul is the single most vital component of our genetic makeup as human beings. It's sacred; it makes us who we are, gives us an identity, and should be treated as such. Everybody's not worthy of this transfer of energy because everybody's intentions with that energy (your energy) are not always pure. We are finite beings. We run long enough we'll eventually tire out, We study too much we'll eventually get a headache, we drink too much we'll eventually pass out (#TB Homecoming 2014). Our energy...our soul...our "dopeness" also operates under these very same conditions. Giving too much of your energy to the wrong person eventually causes an imbalance inside the core of your soul and causes a chaotic cesspool of negative emotions to spew forth. Suddenly you aren't who you use to be anymore. Suddenly you're agitated by the smallest of things, neglecting the ones you were once close with, and letting the entire situation distract you from being the best you that you can be. Old goals you were awesome enough to set for yourself are almost forgotten and replaced with worries and concerns of reciprocated affection and attention. That's like taking an unnecessary detour on purpose. Life gives you enough of those already.  No need to add more right?

There certainly are people out there who are deserving of your dopeness and vice versa, I'm just saying you need to tread carefully while you navigate through that selection process.Who you let in has a very profound effect on who you are and what you will become whether you realize it or not. Your dopeness shouldn't  be paraded around and given out freely like yellow starbursts. 

Don't treat your soul like yellow starbursts. You deserve better.


  1. 💯 everyone needs this reminder sometimes. And I *whispers* actually like the yellow...
